A few cool things from this week
The effects of caffeine on sleep, movie I watched, and work music
Hi friends,
Here are a few cool things from this week. Have a great sunday!
The effects of caffeine on sleep
There is a new study on the effects on caffein on sleep. Here is an excerpt:
Compared with the control condition, caffeine consumption reduced total sleep time by 45 minutes. Furthermore, the closer caffeine consumption was to bedtime and the higher the dose, the more it reduced total sleep time.
It depended on the dose, of course, where they mention that:
217 mg should be consumed at least 13.2 hours before bedtime.
107 mg should be consumed at least 8.8 hours before bedtime.
47 mg is unlikely to negatively affect total sleep time, regardless of when it is consumed.
One cup is between 70–140 mg of caffeine.
This suggests that, for me at least, my cut-off time for caffeine should be at around 12 o clock. This is simuilar to my own experience.
Last year I tried de-caffeinated coffee for a while and started sleeping really well after a month or so. But I love the effect of caffeine too much to keep me on decaf long-term. Having my limit at 12 o clock might be a good compromise.
Movie I watched
Yesterday I watched a movie called Capernaum. I can’t remember when I last sobbed like that to a movie. Here is the description:
Capernaüm ("Chaos") tells the story of Zain (Zain al-Rafeea), a Lebanese boy who sues his parents for the "crime" of giving him life. The film follows Zain as he journeys from gutsy, streetwise child to hardened 12-year-old "adult" fleeing his negligent parents, surviving through his wits on the streets, where he meets Ethiopian migrant worker Rahil, who provides him with shelter and food, as Zain takes care of her baby son Yonas in return. Zain later gets jailed for committing a violent crime, and finally seeks justice in a courtroom.
Apparently all actors in the film are people whose real life resembles that of the film. During the filming, the main actor Zain was able to move to Norway, where he started going to school for the first time in his life.
Music while working
This week I have been listening to music from The Shire while working. I love it. It’s so cozy and relaxing.